Friday, July 29, 2011

we're grandparents!

Yes, you read the title correctly. Our turtles are having baby turtles! It's not like me to write about my pets. But here it goes. Back in March of 2007, i was in Chicago with family and Zach called to tell me he caught me a baby turtle and it was all mine! I think i actually squealed with excitement. Up until this point I had fish, and hermit crabs (YAWN). I'm allergic to pretty much everything else, so turtles sounded like a great idea! I had been around Zach's family long enough to know that animals in all shapes and sizes would be apart of my life. Once I found out how long this baby turtle might live, I knew I was in it for the long hall. Needless to say, Zach didn't have a clue how excited I was about this new addition to my life. When I returned home, I couldn't stop talking about how cute and small the turtle was! It wasn't any bigger than a quarter. Obviously, the first step was, what's the name going to be? I had thought pretty hard about this decision when I remembered that my brother had a turtle once. I want to say his turtle died, or maybe he just set it free but he named it Mike Jones. He told me once that he thought it would be funny to name it such, Mike Jones being a famous rapper and all. And well, if you know Josh, he isn't a rap fan whatsoever.
Mike Jones

So, in memory of Mike Jones Senior, I named my itty bitty turtle Mike Jones as well. Let's move this story along (Mom always told me to learn how to summarize). A year or so down the road, I was given another baby turtle. At this point a friend hooked me up with an aquarium and everything to go with it. I was so excited about the new addition to our little family that I had to come up with yet another ridiculous name. I immediately came up with Brooke Hogan (Hulk Hogan's daughter). 
Brooke Hogan
After Zach and I got married somehow the number of turtles got up to 9 until two passed away shortly after having them. With seven turtles and two aquariums, I was really starting to feel like a Hubbard. Lets not forget  the two snakes (in cages) living on our front porch. Anyway, after the turtles got big enough it was time to actually find out the sex of the turtles. Out of our 4 stink pots (common musk turtle) we have 3 girls, 1 boy. I was sad to find out that Mike Jones was indeed a female. Name change? no way! 

You're probably wondering what the other names of the remaining five are. Even though Zach doesn't agree, I named the other two stink pots as well. 50 Cent and T Swift. You must pronounce 50, like fiddy. It only makes sense. 

50 Cent

Taylor Swift
The other three turtles are some sort of pond sliders (ask Zach if you really care). The oldest one, I have no idea what it's name is. I think it's either, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello, or Raphael (once again, you can ask Zach). The second oldest is Holt. If you know Adam Holt well, that's who we named him after. Somehow that came about when Zach was with Adam...I think. And the last one (still a baby in my mind) is Squirt.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Squirt from Finding Nemo
Well, this brings us up to speed. We figured out that our turtles were mating (interesting...) and we also knew that if one were to get pregnant, it wouldn't have a place to lay any eggs. After a trip to Home Depot, we finally came up with a egg laying contraption (love nest) to attach to the aquarium. We watched Mike Jones go in and out of that thing for weeks. She finally popped out two eggs. Later, a third was found but we have no idea who it belongs to. Either way, we kept the eggs safe and warm (eventually put them in our homemade incubator) and BAM! two eggs are finally hatching! Early this morning we think around 3 am (Zach stayed up watching its progress and fell asleep), one of the turtles completely emerged from the shell. 
beginning to crack

nose popping out

do you see him?

so small!

The other day, I told Zach I named him Bentley. Why? I don't know. It's just a name and I think I did it to irritate him. He says if I name it, I will get attached. He's totally right. But if the little guy survives, we plan on giving him away. Until then, we have two more eggs to go!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

347 days and counting

It's almost that time again. I can't believe the time passed like it did. It's been hard, fun and full of love and laughter. Life with Zach is better than I ever imagined it to be. Before we know it, another year will go by and our life will be changing yet again.

If all goes as planned, Zach will graduate with his masters (may 2012) and we will be moving and hopefully find a new adventure, with new jobs, new scenery, and well, a fresh start. Don't get me wrong. Fresh start doesn't indicate we need to start over or are burnt out in anyway. But from my perspective life in Auburn has been great but a year from now we won't be college students, nor will we be putting kids into grade school, or even spending our days in a rocking chair sipping sweet tea. My point is, life after school in a college town can feel like you're in constant limbo. Auburn is great for being young and enjoying the college life as well as a great place to raise a family or come back to after many years and retire in War Eagle country (i.e. sipping on tea comment).  So as much as i love it here on the plains, I think in my heart it will be time to move on. Yet on the other hand, God's plan always trumps mine.

Until all these life changes take place, I look forward to celebrating my first anniversary with my best friend. People like to ask, "Can you believe you've been married almost a year?". The answer is no, I can't believe it. However, I do believe it's been the best year of my life. My blog title "single wide status" refers to living life in the trailer park. For the first few months of marriage, living in our trailer with no space to put everything made me think I was going to die in that trailer. Life wasn't easy. Adjusting to small spaces and realizing that God had me there for a reason was hard to understand. Wanting that dream home and wishing my kitchen was huge or that i had a laundry ROOM not hallway, seemed so far from reach. Yet, I came to love our single wide. No, the roaches aren't my friends and the random moments when water doesn't flow from the sink or shower isn't ideal but i love it nonetheless. Zach makes it worth it. Second to my love and devotion for Christ, having a Godly husband and a Godly marriage is the best thing in life. You can't beat it!

As our second year of marriage begins in a short few days, I can't imagine what God has in store for the Hubbard's. Our Auburn chapter may be coming to a close but life as Mr. and Mrs. has just begun! Until death do we part!